Saturday, March 7, 2009

What is "mom-like?"

I was in negotiated rulemaking up at the Department for the past two weeks. When I was getting ready to go home Thursday evening, I pulled off my heels and slipped on my Metro shoes - canvas Vans slip-ons, black with white skulls.

One of the other women there said "Intersting shoes." I told her my son picked them out for me.

"You have kids?"

"Yeah, a 2 year old boy and an almost-6-month-old girl."

She kind of raised her eyebrows and replied, "Those aren't very mom-like, huh?"

Mom-like? Mom-like??? What the hell does THAT mean? Because I'm a mom I have to wear Dr. Scholls orthopedic shoes? I can't wear cool shoes? Before I was a mom I had a life and a style... I went out and drank beer and danced and hung out with friends... I wore tight jeans and spent too much money trying to find the perfect red lipstick... if I want to wear cool skater shoes because they harken back to my younger days and they make my kid happy (plus they are comfortable)... I will.

I answered her with "I guess it depends on what kind of mom you are like."

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