Saturday, June 26, 2010

Adventures in community gardening - because Republican vegetarian city girls need dirt too!

Two years ago, I applied for a community garden plot. I forgot about it until a few weeks ago when I got a call asking if I was still interested. I thought "Cool! Have some fun with the kids, grow some veggies..." and signed up. How hard could it be, right? HA!

The plot is in the Elkhorn Garden, about a 15 - 20 minute drive from home.

We are plot AA9.

When I signed up for this, I thought it would be one of those "square foot" garden deals - a 5'x5' (or *maybe* 8'x8') tilled square of dark, rich, soil. HA! Hahahahahahahahahaaa! Try it's a 20'x25' piece of dry, rocky sun-scorched dirt.
George and I went to a local nursery and stocked up on plants - because we had 2 weeks to get the garden started (one of which I was going to be away on work travel) there was no time to start seeds. We grabbed a trolley and piled on a bunch of tomatoes, different kinds of peppers, some squash, and a few things I can't identify (the boy was having fun loading up the cart). We went back to our hardscrabble and proceeded to pretend we were farmers.

Yes, the rows are crooked. And unevenly spaced.

George's second favorite job is piling up the rocks we dig up.

His favorite is watering the plants.

Tom is betting this little endeavor is an epic failure. Whatever, we are having fun with it so far.