Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Weigh-in Wednesday #2

My first official week on the healthy eating/taking care of myself plan is over and... it's a zero. Zip. Nada. Zilch. Null. Nothing.

ZERO. 0.

Better than a gain, but ZERO. I wasn't expecting a "Biggest Loser" first week or anything, but geez... zero.

I know I could have eaten a bit better. And let's be honest, the wine could go... especially during the week. And I need to start exercising regularly.

This week's plan: no wine during the week (except for tonight, because... well, because I'm annoyed and tired and pissed off and stressed and I want a damn glass of chardonnay). And Saturday and Sunday are not free-for-alls. The 80-20 thing isn't working at this point. I need to be accountable and on track and conscious at all times at this point in the game. AFTER I hit my goal, then I can relax. Now, not so much.

So, onward and upward, which will hopefully lead to the weight going downward.


  1. Sometimes you can only do so much, you know? So what's the 80-20 thing?

  2. Eat well 80% of the time, relax 20%. And I should know that's more of a maintenance thing than a weight loss thing... *sigh*

  3. I thought it would be easier to lose weight after I had my daughter who is now 21 months old. But it seems to be harder. I end up eating whatever is the fastest and usually not the healthiest. Also I depend on her naptime to exercise but she's been on a nap strike for the most part.

    I know you'll be able to get to your goal. I don't drink often but chocolate is my wine and I'm never giving that up. ;) If it makes you feel better, I gained two pounds this week. I never weigh myself but I've been to the doctor a few times in the past couple of weeks.

    I always tell myself I won't look at the scale when they weigh me and then I do. I could just say the extra 2 pounds is because I was wearing my shoes. *whispers* But I actually took them off. :D
